Should I Reface Or Replace My Kitchen Cabinets?

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kitchen cabinet replacement


Should I resurface or replace my kitchen cabinets?


John Fecke, Owner/Designer

Clients often ask if they should reface their existing cabinets with new doors or replace them with new cabinets. I always recommend entirely replacing the cabinets because it is a much better investment than refacing. The cost of new cabinets is usually about the same as the cost of the materials for refacing and replacing your old cabinets will give you the opportunity to rethink the kitchen design and create a more functional, up-to-date space. You have the option to change the layout of the kitchen cabinets and include new accessories to help organize your kitchen. New cabinets can also last for decades and our cabinetry comes with a limited lifetime warranty. Replacing your old cabinets not only allows you to design a new kitchen that better fits your lifestyle but also adds more value to your home in the long run.

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